Quantum Simulations
Accounting Tutors
Chemistry Tutors
Mathematics Tutors


Quantum develops effective artificial intelligence tutoring, assessment and professional development software that's backed by scientific research and proven to increase student performance and comprehension including:

Accounting Tutors: Includes three Tutors on the Accounting Cycle for undergraduate and graduate students taking principles, financial and managerial accounting.
Chemistry icon Chemistry Tutors: Covers fundamental topics for high school, AP and two-semester college courses.
Mathematics Tutors: Includes six Tutors covering basic mathematics skills.
Assessment: Automatically grades student work and provides immediate feedback and tutoring help on topics and concepts needed to improve future test scores. (In development)
Professional Development: Professional development software to help new and out-of-field instructors practice typical student/teacher interactions and respond to questions before getting in front of a live class. (In development)
We are passionate about education and are committed to empowering and inspiring instructors and students to achieve more.

© Copyright Quantum Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved.
Quantum Intelligent Tutoring Engines, Quantum Engines, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Mathematics contain patented and patent-pending technologies
and are trademarks of Quantum Simulations, Inc.