Quantum Simulations

Meet the Leadership Team

Dale A. Holder, Co-Founder, holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Mathematics and Chemistry from Eastern Kentucky University, a Master of Arts degree in Science Education from Western Kentucky University and a Rank 1 certification as an Educational Specialist from the University of Georgia. Mr. Holder has experienced outstanding success during his 35-year tenure as a high school teacher of chemistry and mathematics in the Kentucky public education system. He has also taught at Western Kentucky University in the advance-placement program allowing high school students to receive college credit. Due to his excellent record and outstanding teaching techniques, Mr. Holder was invited to provide instruction for freshman chemistry at the University of Kentucky's Somerset Community College, where he taught on a part-time basis. He has participated in a total of four NSF Summer Institutes for Secondary School Teachers of Science and Mathematics, and was the recipient of an NSF Academic Year Institute Fellowship at the University of Georgia in 1970-71. In recognition of his teaching achievements and commitment to excellence, Mr. Holder has been honored at the county, state and university levels including Kentucky's 2004 Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year, Most Outstanding Secondary Science Teacher in Kentucky for 1999 and 13 additional Outstanding Teacher Awards.

Despite only a limited budget for instructional materials and teaching aids, Mr. Holder maintained exemplary dedication to providing interesting and thought-provoking high school chemistry programs for every student. As an example, he has developed several innovative classroom teaching aids which he has successfully patented, and which are commercially distributed and marketed by Science Kit & Boreal Laboratory. Proven to enhance the ability of students to grasp and visualize key chemistry topics, these innovative aids include:

  • "Magnetic Molecular Models Kit" - Using magnetic disks, the students see the recombination of elements as the teacher arranges them on the blackboard
  • "Crystallization on the Overhead Projector" - Incorporating an overhead projector, this kit uses petri dishes to grow crystals which can be projected directly onto the classroom screen
  • "Ionic and Molecular Interaction Demonstration Model" - Incorporating an overhead projector, this kit utilizes marbles, a variety of specially shaped magnets and inert plastic chips
  • "Alien Formations: A New Silicate Garden" - A fascinating new twist to a traditional colloidal formations laboratory designed to spark interest in students of all ages, motivating them to look further into the wonders of chemistry
  • "Old-Fashioned Appalachian Soap-Making Kit" - Illustrates the slow rate of many organic reactions through a hands-on activity with interesting historical and cultural connections
  • "Lighted Demonstration Table" - Lighted from beneath, this raised table is designed to illuminate any demonstration containing some parts difficult to see from the student's position, also bringing attention exactly to what the student needs to focus on at that particular time

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